Dear Reader – I’ve been
busy writing new goodies just in time for Christmas! I’m delighted to announce
my newest erotic short story, Frosty the Snow Dom, releasing Nov. 24 from Changeling Press, and Dec. 1 from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,
and iTunes.
up the ice...
Judith's hired to create a kinky ice sculpture, the party turns out stranger
than she expects.
ice artist Judith Dane is hired to create a kinky version of Michelangelo's
David, she thinks the ice sculpture is just another Christmas party
centerpiece. But when she delivers the work she's nicknamed "Frosty the
Snow Dom" to the BDSM club Valhalla, the party turns out to be a lot
stranger than she expects.
Frosty comes to life just like a certain snowman, she discovers just how hot
ice can be. But what happens when the spell breaks?
an excerpt as Judith meets her own kinky creation.
Anrid caught Judith’s hand, pulling her in
so close she felt the woman’s silk skirt brush her legs. Lifting her regal
chin, the hostess began to speak in that foreign language again, pausing to let
the crowd answer in a kind of call and response that reminded Judith of church
services back in Texas. Though no church she’d ever attended had conducted
services in the nude…
I wish I knew what they were saying.
A shiver of unease teased the length of her spine even as she told herself she
was being paranoid.
At a word from Anrid, the crowd joined
hands and began to dance in a circle around them. They started to sing, the
women’s voices rose impossibly pure and high over the deep, darker tones of the
men’s. Which was when things began to get really weird.
Releasing Judith’s hand, Anrid gestured.
Frosty, all three hundred pounds of him,
rose in the air and floated forward as if the ice had turned into a soap
Judith’s jaw dropped. Blinking, she looked
up, checking the ceiling for wires. How the hell…
Anrid caught up the necklace that hung
around her slender throat, lifting the chain off over her head. As she held it
high, the thumb-length sapphire caught the light. She gestured, and sparks
wound around the stone like fireflies as she released the stone. Instead of
falling to the ground, the necklace floated over to Frosty as if swept along by
the wave of light. The sparks dissipated, spilling the chain over the
sculpture’s head, sapphire rapping his carved pectorals.
Judith peered around, but she still saw no
sign of any supports, wires or mirrors, and no place to attach them if there
had been. That was one hell of a trick. She’d wonder if somebody had slipped
her a dose of LSD, except, being at work, she hadn’t eaten or drunk anything.
Anrid began to sing, the pure, clear notes
rising over the chorus of ethereal voices. As the song spiraled to a crescendo,
she flung out both hands in a wild, swirling gesture.
Frosty exploded.
A wave of fine white powder blasted out from
him, stinging Judith’s face as she recoiled, shocked, blinded. With a yelp of
alarm, she started knuckling at her eyes, trying to clear her stinging vision.
When she finally managed to blink away the tears, she realized Anrid and the
crowd had vanished. The buffet table and assorted BDSM gear was still there,
but Judith was alone.
Except for one man.
He stood on the floor below the spot where
Frosty had floated, his back to her, so all she could see was that he was tall
and broad shouldered. When he turned, her brows flew up. Judith had seen a lot
of handsome men tonight, but he was outstanding even in that company. There was
something oddly familiar about him, something she recognized in the angle of
his broad cheekbones and cleft chin, the shape of his deep-set eyes, the
contours of his erotic mouth.
Unlike most of the men she’d seen at the
party, his curling white hair was cropped close, revealing the elegant points
of his ears. He wore only tight leather pants and riding boots shined to a
mirrored gleam. Why does he look so familiar?
Then realization dawned. “Oh shit. You’re
His lips twitched in a smile. “Actually, my
name is Tor.”
Judith stared at him, feeling the ground
drop out from under her feet. “That’s… This isn’t possible. This is some kind
of scam.” She backed away as her head began to buzz like a high-tension wire.
Her voice rose. “How did you do this? Did you gas me with something?”
He watched her calmly, making no attempt to
follow her. “Up until sixty seconds ago, I was a block of ice.”
“Bullshit! Blocks of ice don’t turn into
He shrugged, an elegant gesture of broad
bare shoulders. “And yet, here I am.”
“And where did everybody else go?” She
dared take her eyes off him to scan the room, her heart pounding so hard, she
could hear its beat in her eardrums. The room was still empty except for
bondage gear furnishings surrounded by a faux winter wonderland. She should’ve
known this was all too fucking weird to be true. “They were here a minute ago,
but now they’re gone. Did you knock me out or something?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Fuck, I don’t know. You’re the one
claiming to be a block of … Frosty.” She added a sneer to that last word.
He eyed her for a long moment, his gaze
steady. “Judith, you’re in no danger from me. I would never hurt you. I could
never hurt you.”
“Yeah, right.” She’d had enough of this.
Whirling, Judith bolted toward the double fire doors, wanting only to get the
hell out of here until whatever they’d drugged her with wore off. She
stiffed-armed the doors -- and almost slammed into them face-first when they
didn’t open.
With a strangled scream of rage and terror,
she drew back and hit them again, trying fruitlessly to force them open. They
didn’t even budge. Furious, Judith banged her fists against the metal. “Let me
out! Help! I’ve been kidnapped!”
“Nobody can hear you, Judith. Anrid’s magic
has seen to that. The doors won’t open until the spell is broken. Or until
dawn, if you refuse to help me.”
She whirled. He stood exactly where she’d
left him. But as she took a closer look, she realized his big body was tense,
as if he was keeping his distance with an effort. Pain tightened the line of
his mouth, and his brows were drawn inward, as if he didn’t like what was
Yeah, well, I’m not exactly thrilled myself.
Judith sidled away from the door, trying to keep an eye on him while
simultaneously scanning for another exit, a weapon, something. Anything. Keep
him talking, Judith. Maybe you can take him off guard and get away.
He’d said something about a spell. He must
really think she was a moron, though damned if she could tell how they’d pulled
this off. Had to be a hallucination. I must be passed out underneath the
buffet table right now.
And yet… it all seemed so real. Despite the
illogic of the situation, Judith could feel the fabric of her shirt rubbing
against her breasts as she breathed, the give of her rubber soles as her weight
shifted. The air smelled of pine, roasted meat, and honey, blended with a sharp
tang that reminded her of the aftermath of a lightning strike.
But the man watching her with such a
troubled expression looked exactly like the ice sculpture she’d spent the last
two days creating. Just as that sculpture, in turn, had looked like the man
she’d been dreaming about for so many years.
“You mentioned a spell.” Her voice rasped.
“What kind of spell?” Oh, come on, Judith, you don’t really believe this
shit? And yet even as her rationality sneered, a small voice from her
hindbrain insisted that this was real. Inexplicable and terrifying, but real.
He didn’t even hesitate. “The spell to let
me live again.”
“You look alive to me.”
“For the moment.”
She glanced around again, her gaze falling
on one of the nearby trees. Like the others, assorted sex toys hung from the
branches like kinky decorations: handcuffs, a riding crop, toys that did God
knew what…
And a bullwhip.
“Planning on dropping dead?” Judith
demanded, trying to distract him as she edged closer to the tree.
“I’d really rather not, but that’s up to
That jolted her out of her preoccupation
with the tree and the potential weapon dangling from its branches. “Me? What do
I have to do with anything?”
“You’re the key to my freedom… if you’re
willing to help.” He moved toward her, his blue gaze steady, his steps slow,
careful. Crap, he’s a good head taller than me, and he’s got the muscle to
match. If Frosty wanted to, he could hurt her badly, and there wasn’t a
damn thing she could do about it. She swallowed and stepped underneath the
tree, trying not to be too obvious about her plan to get her hands on that
whip. “What exactly do you want me to do?”
“Nothing you don’t want to.”
“Which doesn’t answer the question.”
“I have been bound in a spell for more than
a thousand years.” He sounded so cool, so rational, despite the utter impossibility
of the words.
Oh, please. To buy time, she asked,
“How did that happen?”
For a heartbeat, his eyes closed and a
spasm of grief flashed over his face, pain so stark it jolted her from her
angry preoccupation. “I lost the only reason my heart had to beat.”
And for a moment, she found herself
believing him, though nothing about the situation was believable. “Was
Anrid responsible?”
“She cast the spell, but she was not the
reason I asked for oblivion. That was someone else.” One corner of his lip lifted,
and his eyes glittered with such rage she froze in instinctive fear. “I assure
you, I made him pay for his crime. Unfortunately, revenge is no consolation
when all else is ashes. Once he was dead, there was nothing left to pump my
blood. I longed for death, but Anrid would not permit that. She bound my spirit
into her sapphire and let me sleep for a hundred centuries.”

But as she stared at him, Judith realized
there was more to his believability than that. A sense of power cloaked him,
intense enough to lift the hair on her arms.
He’s not human.
No matter what he looked like, he was something more than a man. She had no
idea why she was so convinced of that, but her every instinct told her it was
This isn’t a con, sleight-of-hand or
trickery. This is real.
Frosty the Snow Dom is on sale for preorder
here: Pre-Order Now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,
and iTunes!
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All New Releases 15% off at 2nd Edition and Box Sets 20% off
I’m also working on the sequel to Arcane
Kiss, a full-length novel called Arcane Heart coming in March. And of
course, Master of Magic and Master of Seduction are also available in ebook from
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo.
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